From the Executive Director Desk

From the Executive Director Desk
In 2009 Association for Rural Peoples Advancement (ARPA) came into organizational shape with a group of dedicated social worker who have experience with the development activities directly from grassroots level. Organization felt the necessity of its legal existence and this obtain registration from the concerned authorities as per legitimate laws of the state. Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries. Country is burdened with too many problems like illiteracy. Over population, fanaticism. Sometimes-political unrest and overall unplanned development activities. Which as a whole undermines the efficient functioning of the countries development activities. As a result the country. & Countrymen becoming poor to poorer.
In 2009 Association for Rural Peoples Advancement (ARPA) came into organizational shape with a group of dedicated social worker who have experience with the development activities directly from grassroots level. Organization felt the necessity of its legal existence and this obtain registration from the concerned authorities as per legitimate laws of the state. Bangladesh is one of the least developed countries. Country is burdened with too many problems like illiteracy. Over population, fanaticism. Sometimes-political unrest and overall unplanned development activities. Which as a whole undermines the efficient functioning of the countries development activities. As a result the country. & Countrymen becoming poor to poorer.
Bangladesh is predominantly an agricultural country. More than 55% of our economically active population is engaged in agricultural section. In agricultural sector large number of people are agriculture labors who are generally landless, homeless, have nets or have marginal amount of land. These agricultural labors have to remain uncompleted for a long period within the year. On the other hand the female having no land and sometimes marginal and are the most vulnerable section in our society.
Lack education is the barriers for development. Both Government & Non-government organization have been struggling to reduce the curse of illiteracy. Despite lot of development activities in Bangladesh, nearly 75 million people of all ages are still illiterate. Millions of school age children are also deprived of primary education, not because of poverty alone, but also because of illiterate percents. Lack of early childhood preparedness. Inadequate advocacy and social mobilization efforts to simulate demand for basic education. Insufficient incentive from the society to promote positive attitude towards girls education. Absenteeism and low commitment of teachers. The high cost of education, inadequate physical facilities inadequate female teachers, poor teaching leaning process, insufficient supervision and monitoring process, unsuitable curriculum and an inherent comfier between school hours and working period, especially for those who are working for livelihood. ARPA since its inception surveyed the project area to find out the development i pediments to set up development plan and design project to remove those barrier for sustainable development. ARPA is very fortunate to share the cooperation & experience of different national & international organizations through their active partnership for the implementation of numbers of development projects, which have the direct benefits for the poor. This report will remain incomplete we do not mention the contribution of some organizations like DAWAN Foundation, India HDMBS, Bangladesh and others who have supported us by extending their technical financial and training. Without heir cooperation, it was impossible and often difficult to attain our objectives.
I am very grateful to my executive committees who have extended their very cooperation for the success of our activities. I thank all of our general members, without their spontaneous cooperation it was impossible to establish such a development organization for benefiting the poor at large. I also thank some well-wishers who have extended their cooperation by financial support and suggestions.
Adv. Md Waheduzzaman